LONG—[Very drunk, jumps on a bench excitedly,gesticulating with a bottle in his hand.] Listen 'ere,Comrades! Yank 'ere is right. 'E says this 'ere stinkin's hip is our 'ome. And 'e says as 'ome is 'ell. And 'e's right! This is 'ell. We lives in 'ell, Comrades—and right enough we'll die in it. [Raging.] And who's ter blame, I arsks yer? We ain't. We wasn't born this rotten way. All men is born free and ekal. That's in the bleedin' Bible, maties. But what d't hey care for the Bible—them lazy, bloated swine what travels first cabin? Them's the ones. They dragged us down 't il we're on'y wage slaves in the bowels of a bloody ship,sweatin', burnin' up, eatin' coal dust! Hit's them's ter blame—the damned capitalist clarss! [There had beena gradual murmur of contemptuous resentment rising among the men until now he is interrupted by a storm of catcalls, hisses, boos, hard laughter.]